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Educational Language Software

We hope this page will provide a comprehensive list of educational language software titles. We do not endorce any one product and we do not know the quality of the software packages. We hope that you will find this information useful and that it will help enhance your language learning. If you are a business and would like to be a sponsor of this site or you find any bad links or new useful links then please contact us from the appropriate address on our How To Contact Us webpage.

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Arabic Czech Chinese Danish Dutch Farsi
Finnish French German Greek Gujarati Hebrew
Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese
Kannada Korean Latin Marathi Multiple Polish
Portuguese Punjabi Russian Spanish Swedish Taglog
Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese
Welsh - - - - -

* Arabic/English
Eurotalk Learn Arabic
Operating System(s): Windows
* Arabic/English
The Arabic Tutor
Operating System(s): Windows, Windows95, NT
* Arabic/English
Learn Arabic
Operating System(s): PC, Macintosh
* Arabic/English
Alif Ba Ta and Yaseen
Operating System(s): PC
* Arabic/English
Arabic Sounds & Pictures
Operating System(s): Windows
* Arabic/English
My Arabic Teacher
Operating System(s): Windows, Windows95/98, Macintosh
* Chinese/English
SinoLogic Software
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Danish/English
Talk Now! Danish
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Dutch/English
Talk Now Learn Dutch
Operating System(s): Windows and Mac
* Farsi/English
Learning Farsi Made Easy
Operating System(s): Windows
* Finnish/English
Talk Now! Learn Finnish
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* French/English
Quickstart French
Operating System(s): Windows
* French/English
Webster's New World French Tutor
Operating System(s): Windows
* German/English
German Language CD "Deutsh"
Operating System(s): DOS
* German/English
Quickstart German
Operating System(s): Windows
* Greek/English
Anotek Inc.
Operating System(s): Windows
* Hebrew/English
Talk Now Learn Hebrew
Operating System(s): Windows and Mac
* Hindi
Hindi Guru
Operating System(s): Windows
* Hungarian/English
Hungarian Pronunciation Tutor
Operating System(s): Macintosh, Windows
* Irish/English
Talk Now! Learn Irish
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Italian/English
Quickstart Italian
Operating System(s): Windows
* Japanese/English
Japanese WordMage
Operating System(s): DOS, Windows, Macintosh
* Korean/English
Korean HakGyo
Operating System(s): Windows
* Latin/English
Learn Latin
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Many Languages
The Rosetta Stone
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Many Languages
Quickstar Multilingual
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Many Languages
Operating System(s): Windows
* Many Languages
LEX: Language Learning Express
Operating System(s): Windows
* Many Languages
Operating System(s): Windows
* Many Languages
Auralog - Tell Me More
Operating System(s): Windows
* Polish/English
Talk Now! Learn Polish
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Russian/English
Quickstart Russian
Operating System(s): Windows
* Spanish/English
Quickstart Spanish
Operating System(s): Windows
* Spanish/English
Webster's New World Spanish Tutor
Operating System(s): Windows
* Spanish/English
Musical Spanish
Operating System(s): Windows
* Spanish/English
Learn Spanish Today
Operating System(s): Windows
* Spanish/English
Operating System(s): Windows
* Swedish/English
Talk Now! Learn Swedish
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Tagalog/English
Speak Tagalog
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Tagalog/English
Filipino Language Software
Operating System(s): Windows
* Tamil/English
Speak Tagalog
Operating System(s): Windows
* Telugu
Kannada and Telugu Tutor
Operating System(s): Windows
* Thai/English
Courage Software Thai Interactive Language Course
Operating System(s): Windows, Windows 95, NT
* Turkish/English
Talk Now! Learn Turkish
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh
* Ukranian/English
Dad's Lessons
Operating System(s): Windows
* Vietnamese/English
A Little Vietnamese
Operating System(s): Windows, Windows 95
* Welsh/English
Talk Now! Learn Welsh
Operating System(s): Windows, Macintosh

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