Here is a list of drinking toast in many languages
Albanian: G?zuar Arabic: Fisehatak ("to your health") Armenian: Genatzt, Genatsoot ("Life") Austrian: Prosit - Prost (German) Bahasa: Pro Baluchi Vashi Basque: On egin Brazilian Portuguese: Saude, Viva Bulgarian: Na zdrave ("to your health") Catalan: Salut Chinese: Nien Nien nu e. Kong Chien Chinese: Yung sing ("drink and win") Chinese Cantonese: Gom bui ("dry the cup") Chinese Mandarin: Gan bei ("dry the cup") Croatian: Zivjeli Czech: Na zdrav? ("to your health") Danish: Skaal Dutch: Proost. Proost, Geluk, or Gezondheid Egyptian: Fee sihetak, Bisochtak Esperanto: Je via sano ("to your health") Estonian: Tervist (Teie) terviseks ("to your health") Ethiopian: T'chen chen Finnish: Kippis, Maljanne, Pohjanmaan kautta ("bottoms up") French: A votre sante Flemish: op uw gezondheid Frisian: Tsjoch Gaelic (Ireland): Sl?inte (to your health), Guid forder! ("good luck") Gaelic (Scotland): Slaandjivaa ("to your health") Galician: Sa?de German: Prost (beer) Zum Wohl (wine) ("to your health") Greek: Eis Igian, Stin ijiasas Jamas Hebrew: L'chaim ("To life") Hungarian: Kedves egeszsegere ("to your health") Icelandic: Sk?l Indonesia: Pro Japanese: Kampai Kikuyu: Rathima andu atene Korean: Chukbae Kong gang ul wi ha yo Latin: Sanitas bona ("to your health") Bene tibi Latvian: Uz veselibu Lebanese: Kesak Lithuanian: I sueikata, I sveikas Macedonian: Na zdravje! ("to your health") Mexican: Salud (Spanish - Latin American) Maori: Kia ora Norwegian: Skal, Sk?l Persian: salam ati ("to your health") Polish: Vivat Na zdrowie ("to your health") Portuguese: A sia saide Romanian: Noroc ("Good luck") Russian: Na zdorovje ("to your health") Serbian: Zivio Ziveli ("live long") Slovak: Na zdravie ("to your health") Slovenian: Na zdravje ("to your health") Somalian: Auguryo Spanish: Salud Sinhala: Seiradewa Swedish: Sk?l, Skaal, Helan g?r ("Everything goes") Tagalog: Mabuhay ("Long life") Thai: Choc-tee Turkish: Serefe ("To honor") Urdu: Djam Uyghur: Hoshe ("Cheers") Salametlikingiz ucun ("For your health") Vietnamese: Chia Welsh: Iechyd da, Iechyd da |